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Golda's Chicken Soup Recipe

Golda Meir's Famous recipe revealed.

Golda Meir, the pioneering leader of the State of Israel, played a central role in developing the young country.

A visionary and risk-taker, she became one of the most prominent female politicians in world history, devoting her full life to protect her people.

Her strength gained her the "Iron Lady" epithet in the political field, but to millions of Jews and Israelis, she is remember as "Our Golda," Mother of a Nation .

"Golda," a renowned host, used to receive members of her government at home.

In a famous forum known as "Golda's kitchen," she even cooked for them herself, gaining an excellent reputation for her superb gefilte fish, her famous strong Turkish coffee, and of course, her secret chicken soup!

Released back in 2012 by the israeli National Archives, below a copy of her famous recipe:

Image by David Rubinger.

Golda Meir's Chicken soup recipe - National Archives

Boil the chicken with parsley, celery, cut-up carrots, peeled onions, salt, papers, a pinch of paprika, until the chicken is tender.
If you like rice you may add it after straining the soup, bringing to boil for another quarter of an hour.
Ms. Meir generally serves chicken soup with KNEIDLACH which she prepares as follows:
The Matzos are soaked in cold water until soft, than squeeze dry, crush with a fork and add fried onions and a little oil, some parsley, salt, paper, and two beaten eggs. Make into small balls, set aside before serving for one hour. Half an hour before serving, drop the balls into the boiling soup and cook for about half an hour.



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