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On the table: Olives with Za'atar and citrus

Recipe from the book "The Seasonal Jewish Kitchen"

by Amelia Saltsman

Green Olives with Za'atar and Citrus.



(Makes 2 cups)

• 1/4 cup (60 ml) extra-virgin olive oil

• 3/4 pound (340 grams) green olives

• 2 tablespoons Za’atar

• 1 large clove garlic, sliced

• 1 dried chile de árbol

• 1 lemon

• 1 orange


1. In a medium saucepan, warm the olive oil over medium-low heat until it shimmers. Add the olives, reduce the heat to low, and warm through.

Remove from the heat, add the Za'atar, garlic, and chile, and toss to coat. Using a swivel-blade vegetable peeler, and working over the pan, remove the zest from the lemon and the orange in long, wide strips, getting both the taste and the spray of citrus oils the pan.

Stir to mix, and serve warm or at room temperature. Cover and refrigerate any leftover olives and bring to room temperature or reheat to serve.


Article reprinted with permission from The Seasonal Jewish Kitchen by Amelia Saltsman, Sterling Epicure, an imprint of Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.


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